Archive for the ‘Behind the Scenes’ Category

00:00 Behind The Scenes – Ep 3

November 5, 2010


This week, Dan & Karl let their DOP (Jason Millhouse) explain how to shoot a short film to give it that big budget look.

Vote for 00:00 in Movie Extra Webfest!

Behind The Scenes of 00:00 – Ep2 The Explosion

October 29, 2010

In this episode, Dan & Karl demonstrate the techniques used to achieve the explosion effect seen in 00:00.

Note: Advanced Techniques Used

Vote for 00:00 on Movie Extra Webfest!

Behind the Scenes of 00:00 – Ep 01 Helicopters

October 23, 2010

In this episode, Dan & Karl explain the techniques used to create the realistic helicopter effects in 00:00



VOTE for 00:00 on Movie Extra Web Fest