Archive for October, 2010

Behind The Scenes of 00:00 – Ep2 The Explosion

October 29, 2010

In this episode, Dan & Karl demonstrate the techniques used to achieve the explosion effect seen in 00:00.

Note: Advanced Techniques Used

Vote for 00:00 on Movie Extra Webfest!

Concept Art – Part One

October 29, 2010

This is the first installment of concept art giving insight to the characters, locations and most importantly extra terrestrials to feature in 00:00. Part one is early concepts of the invading force. Below are a few variations of the aliens different heads/helmets, suits, stature and general appearance.

Nothing posted in concept art is finalised and we would love to hear your thoughts. Please leave a comment below and help shape 00:00.


(Click on the image to view larger)

Big Name Discussion – Part One

October 28, 2010
Our Producer Jai has been receiving a lot of emails from people who have seen our trailer and want to help out or somehow get involved with our series. Below is one of the more ‘unique’ email threads between Jai and a fan.

From: Stevesie S []
Sent: Friday, 22 October 2010 11:25 AM
To: Jai Hogg
Subject: Ideas for 00:00

To whom it may concern,

Hello I am a film maker like yourself(selves?). I have made many feature films covering a wide range of topics; such as aliens, world war 2, uhmm aliens…oh and world war 2! I did one about Shark once…. anyway my PA told me to check out your trailer on and i must say i was quite impressed. Did I mention I like making movies about aliens!?

I was wondering if there was anything I can help you out with? I’m happy to do anything to help out on set, just let me know. I was talking to one of my friends, G-Money, and showed him the trailer too. He liked it but mentioned that what we could do is release a special edition where we can re-do all the special effects, and add in some background characters to the office scene. He also said that once that’s circulating we could then make some further small changes (like change the voice of the ‘square’ character (we were thinking someone with a South Pacific accent) or adjust the lighting/color palette in certain scenes and shots) and then re-release it a third time. He said once you start down that path you can pretty much just keep releasing it. And releases mean $$$.

Please email me back and tell me your thoughts on getting G-money and myself involved.

Stevesie S.

P.S. Also lets not forget merchandising!!!

From: Jai Hogg []
Sent: Friday, 22 October 2010 11:32 AM
To: ‘Stevesie S’
Subject: RE: Ideas for 00:00

Hi Stevesie,
Thanks so much for your email, it’s always nice to hear from a fan! And double thanks for the offer of your help, we’ll keep that in mind.
Unfortunately at this time, we’re pretty much sorted on the personnel front. But if anything comes up we’ll definitely give you a call!

Once again, thanks for your vote and remember you can vote everyday!

Jai Hogg
Producer 00:00

From: Stevesie S []
Sent: Sunday, 24 October 2010 9:01 AM
To: ‘Jai Hogg’
Subject: RE: RE: Ideas for 00:00

Hello Jay,
I’m sorry that haven’t been able to get back to you sooner. You know what they say, working hard; or hardly working 😉

I am not sure if i made myself clear in my earlier electronic mail. I’m not sure what it is like Down Under but here in the States I’m kind of a big deal. If you know Eric (Austria’s pretty small right?) ask him about me, I worked with him a couple of years ago and we became quite good pals.

Down to business. It would be prudent for you to get me to work on your film. I have had a long and illustrius career and only wish someone like me would’ve put a hand out to someone like you when I was just starting out. I also have my forklift certificate (which comes in handy more often then you might think).

I urge you to reconsider. I am a powerful friend but an even more powerful enemy. In the words of my good friend G-money “I have the higher ground”.

$tevesie $.

From: Jai Hogg []
Sent: Sunday, 24 October 2010 11:30 AM
To: ‘Stevesie S’
Subject: RE: RE: RE: Ideas for 00:00

Hi Stevesie,
Please understand, I am in no way trying to offend you, we just honestly work better as a small group. You know what they say, too many cooks spoil the broth 😉

I’m sure you can understand also that we want to make this a fully Australian production. One that highlights our country’s skill in producing films on the level of Hollywood, with a fraction of their budgets.

Your offer of help is extremely generous, but I’m sure the hardships you endured throughout your career are the ones that helped shape the stories you now tell. Taking those experiences away from a group of young film makers, as generous as it may be, may hurt them in the long run.

Once again, I apologise that we can’t find a place for you on this production, however we are working on several other ideas that once started, could be a better suite for you.

Jai Hogg
Producer 00:00

From: Stevesie S []
Sent: Sunday, 24 October 2010 11:31 AM
To: ‘Jai Hogg’
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: Ideas for 00:00

Well Chai,

In the words of myself… and Carl Gottlieb and Peter Benchley… and I guess Roy Scheider “You’re going to need a bigger boat”.

And by ‘bigger’ i mean better, and by ‘boat’ i mean career choice.

Cause you ain’t ever gonna work in my town!


Want to see what the mysterious Stevsie S is on about?
Check out our trailer here, and while you’re there, don’t forget to vote. You can every day!

Recovered Documents – Part One

October 28, 2010

Long after the events that took place within OO:OO investigations were held and first hand accounts were recovered from various sites within a 10km radius of the Brisbane CBD ground zero. The following pages are excerpts from a students diary found only     1.3kms from the Brisbane CBD ground zero.

Part Two

Wanna be in 00:00? Here’s your chance!

October 28, 2010
So we’re running a competition for a 00:00. The prize? You’ll get to be in 00:00!

Sweet, so the competition is pretty simple.

Basically we want your votes, simple as that. So from now until the end of the competition all you have to do is keep voting for 00:00 and publishing it to your wall.

Then become friends with John Quadzero on facebook (the guy’s desperate, he’ll accept anyone’s friend request).

That’s all you have to do to enter.

The more you vote for 00:00 on facebook, the better chance our trailer has to win. And if it wins we’ll fly the person  with the highest number of votes (that they’ve published to their wall) to Brissy from any capital city in Australia where they’ll be in an episode of the series; in which they’ll be disintergrated by an alien (Cool huh? Not sure? Trust us, it is). We’ll also hang for the weekend and put you up at one of our houses if you so wish.

Easy as. At the end of the Movie Extra Webfest competition we’ll tally up the votes and the person with the most published votes to their wall will be the winner. Best of all, all published votes that you already have on your wall count. Sweet right?!

Last little tidbit. In the unlikely event that two people have the exact same amount of published votes, we’ll have to work something out. Don’t rule out a thunderdome-esque scenario…

Happy Voting!

Behind the Scenes of 00:00 – Ep 01 Helicopters

October 23, 2010

In this episode, Dan & Karl explain the techniques used to create the realistic helicopter effects in 00:00



VOTE for 00:00 on Movie Extra Web Fest

Trailer is Live!

October 22, 2010

The 00:00 trailer is now live on the Movie Extra facebook page.

View it here

Remember to vote and leave us a comment.